back again
Back again!Feeling good!Great vibes, many times!Some changes, helped routine (felt lost for a while, but all's back to place).
Holidays were compensating: returned to great places, met interesting people - yet not creating strong bonds, experienced enriching moments - England always! Beach as usual (where I always return) the spot to find myself, to enjoy live and the sun and mainly to relax. Summer with good and fun company. Sea and sand where I feel at home.The beach forever!
Simple pleasures fulfill me.
Work is killing me, but the sensation of accomplishment is refreshing (the feel of getting somewhere is rewarding). Feel good!!
Just for myself:
"Desconfiará de toda a gente. Escondido atrás da sua timidez, limitará as máximo as suas amizades, fechará os olhos a novos conhecimentos e passará ao lado de uma bela história de amor. No trabalho, as consequências serão menos graves, desde que não actue no seio de uma equipa. Mas se quiser levar para a frente os seus projectos, terá de ser menos bicho-do-mato. Com Marte no seu signo, a sua saúde será de ferro. Pratique exercício fisico."