
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Inner reflexions

Spring has improved me.
Summer will do me much better.
Sun is my energy and my eternal companion, and fun comes along.
Outside nothing changed. Inside is going on. Better days I had, but the worse are fading away.
Still in my corner, where, sometimes, I just want to be left, in my castle, in my home, in me. And being conscious of me, my being, my acts, my inner(self) makes me feel
good, with myself (and to the world).
To share is great, for sure!
Company is vey good. No doubt!!
But people's mediocrity and hypocrisy I can't stand or accept. So I'm much better with me and having few things for sure (friendship is there, friends stand for me, caring).
I like the way I select only what's good and that will be only what I keep. I won't care about what I don't want, about what doesn't please me, about what doesn't make me (feel) better and mainly about what doesn't add great things to my life and my being.
Learning is a hard (and many times painful) process. Sometimes I try to reason others and open some of my space to interferences/influences and confirm different ways of seeing me, as well as reason who usually criticises my way of being. But, in fact, it didn't prove so well. Not because of me, but what's true is that once more I proved right. I haven't, yet, gained the perspective of giving everybody the same credit. And again I confirmed my negativity. My primary natural selection proved correct. Another second chance was deceived.
My sublime view of life passes through my preservation as a person. No doubt is my point of view that I will defend and preserve, as well as the ones of others I choose, the ones I want and that I deserve. Selfishness!!The ones who know me know that's my best and true characteristic. Neale Donald Walsh says and I second it 'if you don't think about yourself first and mainly you can't think about others and not dedicate or love them. To love others you must love yourself first'.
My premise to a sublime view of life and my well being is to take good care of me: inside, outside and around me.


  • At 1:55 PM, Blogger pedrojoao said…

    estou pasmado!!!
    lindo lindo lindo lindo lindo lindo lindo ... ... ...
    beijinhos grandes, Amiga.


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