
Thursday, May 18, 2006

today a word about a movie that touched me and is recommended to everyone, especially the ones who have a saying in education or deal with kids. "Elephant" is a terrible film,not for what it shows, but for what it stands for. Teachers should stop and think about what they are doing: educating? and how?
for me was a shocking and i question more and more my task! Can we justify our actions only as 'human nature'? it's it still our (prehistoric) need of defense?it's our warrior appeal?
i wonder, i just do:human nature is strange! Human brain rules it all, and as a 'machine' it is do we already know how to work with it?
so many questions, and this movie to assure us there are no answers!
Gus Van Stant, the director. Good point. Strong story. Because it's real(?!)Reality is cruel, but this is beyond whatever we expect. Liked it, but perplexed me!
Where am i failing? Why don't we reach everyone the same way?
Dealing with kids is great, but dangerous..... no doubt. Easy is not for sure, but our effort seems not getting anywhere.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

To my friends
i want to use this opportunity to say to all my friends that i THANK them A LOT letting me
taking part of their lives.
Let the world know I LIKE YOU VERY MUCH and for "aturar-me" you deserve this public declaration. I Like being your friend.
today i want to write beautiful words again and since i knew some other good blogs i can only conclude that mine is really a weak spot, so lets enrich it. i'm using wise words that i feel like sharing, because 'vale a pena pensar nisto' (someone else dixit).
Nicholas Sparks, not being one of my favourite writers (sorry if i can't help not talking about me - narcissist someone will say!!- but it's my blog, right?) says things that i really enjoyed:
"A felicidade é um sentimento maravilhoso. Faz-nos sentir bem em qualquer situação. Dá-nos esperança em momentos de desespero. Faz-nos sentir em paz num mundo de confusão.[...]
"A nossa felicidade depende, grandemente, da forma como olhamos o mundo à nossa volta. Para sermos felizes, temos de nos considerar, e ao mundo à nossa volta, como coisas muito especiais.[...]
"Em cada manhã te são entregues 24 horas de ouro.São uma das poucas coisas neste mundo que estão livres de impostos. Se tivesses todo o dinheiro do mundo, não poderias comprar nem mais uma hora. Que farás com tão valioso tesouro?Lembra-te, tens de o usar, pois só te é oferecido uma vez.Se o desperdiçares, não o poderás recuperar." in Uma Viagem Espiritual.
Obrigada Susy, por me teres possibilitado conhecer estas palavras.